


“Push back our limits”

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Without a zest of imagination, cases would be same as 70 years ago.

EXPLORIS is today a leading supplier of Designer Brands. There is a reason for that. Outstanding frames simply cannot be sold with a me-too case. Their packaging and P.O.S. materials are all part of their global concept.

To generate better ideas, we need to think first, and smarter than others. We don’t remain in front of a screen. As an example, when we designed wooden cases below one dollar, we went to places which were out of any map, to create our “flexi-wood” out of poplar raw material. And then, we dared investing into our future, buying the right equipment to do all by ourselves.


We are also attending international exhibitions, grasping inspiration from other fields of activity.


We also communicate with the ones who share our views, to create better packaging for the future.


We do not aim at being a static shelf where you pick up what is the same as anybody else. We create life.


EXPLORIS is the inventor and patent-holder of the 50-50 and ODYSSEY foldable cases, the multi point magnetic trays, and the honeycombed sample cargo bags that you are finding all around you.

You will not see here all our creations, because we protect our most innovative ideas in a common interest. Confidentiality is also the essence of a successful design. We also produce on a ODM basis what best brands develop through their own Design teams, making their dreams come to reality.


“A response at the heart of tomorrow’s market”